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Michigan Turf Grass Virtual Field Day

22 Sep 2020 6:49 PM | Anonymous

Dear MTF ,

Turfgrass Virtual Field Day -  Tomorrow

September 23, 2020 Lawn and Atheltic Turf at 9 a.m. and Golf Turf at 11 a.m.

MSU Turfgrass Virtual Field Days

The MSU Turfgrass Virtual Field Days will present the latest research information from the turfgrass science team. Attendees will gain insight into the latest management recommendations for controlling pests and optimizing turfgrass performance.

 Lawn Care and Athletic Fields Virtual Field Day

  1. The long term evaluation and comparison of naturally enhanced sand textured athletic field root zones. Dr. Thomas Green and Dr. Trey Rogers
  2. Identification and management of summer diseases on home lawns. Dr. Joe Vargas and Nancy Dykema
  3. Best management practices weed control research. Dr. Thom Nikolai.
  4. Long term fate of fertilizer applications. Dr. Kevin Frank
  5. Turfgrass species evaluation under minimal maintenance practices. Dr. Kevin Frank

Golf Turf Virtual Field Day

  1. Latest management strategies for brown patch and crown rot anthracnose, including fungicide resistance issues. Dr. Joe Vargas and Nancy Dykema
  2. Evaluation of the long-term soil physical and chemical properties of a variable depth putting green. Dr. Thomas Green and Dr. Trey Rogers
  3. Best management practices weed control research. Dr. Thom Nikolai
  4. Effects of different soil testing interpretation philosophies on creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass putting greens. Jackie Guevara and Dr. Kevin Frank


Michigan Turfgrass Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 27156, Lansing, MI 48909

The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation exists to promote safe, healthy turf surfaces for all Michigan residents.

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Office: +1 517 392 5003

E Mail miturfgrass@gmail.com


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