E D U C A T I O N | R E S E A R C H | E X T E N S I O N |
It was a perfect day for the LaFontaine Golf Outing! Thank you to everyone who played or participated, the staff at Coyote Preserve Golf Club and all the event’s sponsors (listed below). The funds raised from this annual event fund The Gordon LaFontaine Endowment for Turfgrass Research, which was created to establish a solid source of funding for basic research in the field of turfgrass science.
LaFontaine Golf Outing
June 19, 2024
Coyote Preserve Golf Club
The MTF recognized Dan Bywalec of D&B Landscaping for his continued participation at the LaFontaine Golf outing and support of the MSU turf program.
The MTF also recognized Doug Ware and the City of Livonia for registering multiple teams every year at this event.
Closest to the pin winners: Gordon LaFontaine #6, A. Wise #8, Jesse Sholl #12, Danny Bo #14, Jason Toffalo #17.
Longest Drive Winners: Men - Holmes #4, Women Julie Schweihofer #18
LaFontaine Flight:
Winning Team - Holmes Group -12 (scorecard tiebreaker)
2nd place team - Forrest, Bearss, Perkinson, Wilcznski, Sholl -12
A new flight was created this year, in honor of Dr. Joseph Vargas and those competing for the prize are the corporate sponsorship teams.
Vargas Flight:
Winning Team - Bywalec Group -9
2nd place team - Shaver Group -8
Tee Sponsors:
Dr. Paul Rieke
Golf Association of Michigan
Jon Maddern
Target Specialty Products
Executive Golf Search
John & Justin Kirtland
Rhino Seed
Spartan Distributors
Dave Herman & Associates
Michigan Sports Fields Managers Association
Breakfast Sponsor:
Reception Sponsors:
Michael Kuhn and Associates
Envu Environmental Science
Healthy Turf Plus
Corporate Sponsors:
Advanced Turf Solutions
D&B Landscaping
LaFontaine Motors
2024 Photo Gallery
(Click image for photo gallery. Free to share, please tag @miturfgrass)
June 19, 2024
The Gordon LaFontaine Endowment for Turfgrass Research was created to establish a solid source of funding for basic research in the field of turfgrass science. Donations to the LaFontaine Endowment create a legacy to fund research long-term, as these donations work in perpetuity to generate interest for fundamental research projects to help solve tomorrow’s problems today. The LaFontaine Golf Outing is an annual event held to generate income for the LaFontaine Endowment.
Registration/Breakfast 8:00 am
Shotgun 9:00 am
Corporate Sponsorship – $1,000.00
Includes one foursome of golf and your name or company name acknowledged on a placard on a tee location.
Lunch Sponsor – $1,300.00
Includes one foursome of golf, lunch signage and acknowledgement at lunch.
Tee Sponsorship – $180.00Your name or company name will be acknowledged on tee sponsorship placard at a tee location.
Reception Sponsorship includes 2 signs acknowledging recognition of company that provided funding used to help supplement cost of food and beverage at conclusion of golf event.
Thank you to Coyote Preserve Golf Club for hosting this event.
9218 Preserve Drive
Fenton, MIchigan 48430
$160 Per Golf Registration (includes continental breakfast, box lunch and awards/cocktail hour after golf)$1,250 Lunch Sponsorship (includes foursome)
$250 Breakfast Sponsorship
$500 Cocktail Hour/ Prizes Sponsorship
Michigan Turfgrass Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 27156, Lansing, MI 48909