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Superintendents As Executives (SAE) Scholarship Award 

Congratulations to

Glenn Schweihofer

2025 Superintendents As Executives (SAE) Scholarship Awardee

Shanty Creek Resort is a four seasons resort in Bellaire Michigan. SCR recognizes the variety of skills that turf management graduates possess- agronomy, human resources, equipment operation and maintenance, financial analysis and budgeting, irrigation, construction, etc. We are looking to the future of not only the resort industry but more specific the development in the education of young turf management students. We believe that the skill set that most turf graduates possess lend to a greater potential in the abilities to adapt, problem solve and persevere in an array of situations.

The Superintendents As Executives (SAE) scholarship will be awarded to a student that not only excels in the turf management program but also show an interest in a secondary concentration in business or a related field. The goal of this scholarship is to reward-students who show the aptitude and ambition to grow in our industry in leadership positions beyond turf management. SCR wants to inspire future turf graduates to progress into positions as Directors of Agronomy, General Managers and Executives.

SAE Scholarship Award

1. Number of awards annually: One

2. Amount of award: $2,500.00

3. Basis for award: Grade point average of 3.0 or above

4. Program Eligibility: All Programs

5. Applicant is requested to be a student member of the MTF

6. Student possesses the traits listed in the award description

7. When awarded: At annual awards ceremony

Electronic Scholarship Application

Superintendents As Executives (SAE) Scholarship Recipient History

2023 Alex Nagy
2024 Alan Clark

Michigan Turfgrass Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 27156, Lansing, MI 48909

The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation exists to promote safe, healthy turf surfaces for all Michigan residents.

Call or E mail Us

Office: +1 517 392 5003

E Mail miturfgrass@gmail.com


PO BOX 27156


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