E D U C A T I O N | R E S E A R C H | E X T E N S I O N |
The MTF is pleased to present its 94th Annual Turfgrass Conference at the Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort in Mt. Pleasant! In addition to the educational programs, this year's show will include a welcome reception, the Vendor Show, the MTF annual meeting and turf student scholarship awards.
Sponsorship Opportunities/ Vendor Show Registration
MDARD Seminar Credits below schedule
3 MDARD Credits, 3A,3B,6, & Core
12:00 PM MSU Turf Team and Michigan Turfgrass Foundation Conference Welcome and Update –Dr. Kevin Frank and Carey Mitchelson, Michigan Turfgrass Foundation
12:30 PM Turfgrass Research Update – Dr. Trey Rogers, MSU
1:00 PM Annual Bluegrass Weevil in Michigan: What you need to know – Dr. Max Helmberger, MSU
1:30 PM Turfgrass Pathology Research Update – Nancy Dykema, MSU
2:00 PM Nematodes - New Solutions on the Horizon? Dr. Derek Settle, CDGA
2:30 PM GCSAA Members: Essential to Golf’s Success – Shane Conroy, GCSAA
3:00 PM Golf Course Apprenticeship – Jada Paisley, MGCA and Adam Ikamas, MiGCSA
3 MDARD Credits, 3A,3B,6, & Core
12:00 PM Spots, Patches and Blights, Oh My: Keys to Identifying Lawn Diseases – Nancy Dykema, MSU
1:00 PM How Many Minutes? Fine-Tuning Irrigation Practices – Dr. Tyler Carr, The Ohio State University
2:00 PM Turfgrass Calculations – Dr. Thom Nikolai, MSU
8:00 AM Golf Course Maintenance, Past, Present, and Future Panel Discussion: Dr. Matteo Serena, USGA; Patrick Parkins, TPC Las Vegas; Jayson Griffiths, London Hunt & CC; Dr. Thom Nikolai and Mike Rabe, MSU
10:00 AM Golf Course Maintenance Trends & Regional Update – Zach Nicoludis, USGA
11:00 AM Understanding the Science Behind Spray Nozzles – Dr. Fred Whitford, Purdue University
12:00 PM LUNCH
1:00 PM Mastering Annual Bluegrass Seedhead Management in Cold Climates – Adam Van Dyke, Professional Turfgrass Solutions
2:00 PM Managing High Quality Surfaces Under Reduced Inputs – Dr. Tyler Carr, The Ohio State University
3:00 PM Moss: Newer Alternatives to QuickSilver for Control – Dr. Derek Settle, CDGA
3:30 PM Turfgrass Physiology Research Update –Dr. Emily Holm
4:00 PM Adjourn
8:00 AM Keeping Thieves From Taking Your Trailers, Equipment, and Pesticides – Dr. Fred Whitford, Purdue University
9:00 AM Different Views from the Field; Superintendent, General Manager, Spouse- Dan & Jennifer Mausolf
10:00 AM Review of Pesticide Rules and Regulations – Scott King, Lead Pesticide Inspector, MDARD
11:00 AM DNR’s Watch List: Lesser Celandine – Rachel Cuschieri-Murray, Eaton Conservation District
12:00 PM LUNCH
1:00 PM Railroad Tracks, Electric Lines, and Runaway Pesticide Trailers: Nothing to Get Tangled With – Dr. Fred Whitford, Purdue University
2:00 PM Understanding Turfgrass Stress – Dr. Emily Holm
3:00 PM Pros and Cons of Pesticide Formulations and Active Ingredients – Aaron Hathaway, NuFarm
4:00 PM Adjourn
8:00 AM Irrigation: Back to Basics – Dylan Adam Wendt, SiteOne
9:00 AM Seed to Play in 90 Days – Matt Byma, Greenline Sports Turf Solutions
10:00 AM Hygiene Maintenance of Hybrid Systems – Ryan Bearss, MSU
10:30 AM Managing Turfgrass in DomedStadium s – Jackie Guevara, MSU
11:00 AM Building a Fertilizer Program for Athletic Fields – Dr. Tyler Carr, The Ohio State University
12:00 PM LUNCH
1:00 PM Managing Parks and Rec Fields on a Budget – Wes Ganobcik, Field Source
2:00 PM Speaker and Topic to be determined
3:00 PM Panel Discussion: Maintaining Safe Fields with Small Staff and Tight Budgets
4:00 PM Adjourn
8:00 AM Work Life Harmony: What Does it Mean? How Can I Achieve it? – Dylan McMaster, Warwick Hills CC
9:00 AM Irrigation Fundamentals and Trouble Shooting Tips – Matt Kraemer, Reinders
10:00 AM Agronomic Evaluations in Turf – Brian Mavis and Matt Cielen, Mavis Consulting
11:00 AM Best Management Practices: How and Why? – Mike Rabe, MSU
11:30 AM You’re an Assistant: Now What? – Shane Conroy, GCSAA
8:00 AM Native Grass Management and Aerial Application Technology in Turfgrass – Gerald Husemann, Independent Turfgrass Consultant and Aaron Duval, AcuSpray Chief Operations Officer
9:00 AM Pine Lake Restoration – Terry Poley, Pine Lake CC
9:30 AM Construction, Construction, Construction – Scott Rettmann, Walnut Hills CC
10:00 AM Franklin Hills Renovations – Brian Schweihofer, Franklin Hills CC
10:30 AM Taking the Leap into Autonomous Mowers – Andrew Christesen, Barton Hills CC
11:00 AM Finding the Lost Character of 2 Golf Coures – Jason Reece, North Kent GC
11:30 AM 2nd Mouse Gets the Cheese: Jayson Griffiths, London Hunt and Country Club
8:00 AM 2024 Year in Review: Diseases, Weeds, and Grubs – Dr. Kevin Frank, MSU
9:00 AM Weed Identification Tips – Dr. Erin Hill, MSU
10:00 AM Scheduling Pre-emergent Herbicide Applications – Ryan Bearss, MSU
11:00 AM Tips and Tricks for Spreader and Sprayer Calibration – Jesse Sholl, MSU
2025 MTF Conference – MDARD Seminar CreditsJan 7,8 &9 2025 1/7/2025 Seminar Credits Categorys ANNUAL BLUEGRASS WEEVIL IN MICHIGAN ` 1 3A, 6 GOLF AFTERNOON TRACK 2 2 3A, 3B, 6, Comm CORE SPOTS PATCHES AND BLIGHTS OH MY 1 3A, 6 TURFGRASS CALCULATIONS 101 2 3A, 3B, 6, Comm CORE 1/8/2025 GOLF TRACK (PM) 2 3A, 3B, 6, Comm CORE TURFGRASS MANAGEMENT TRACK (AM) 4 3A, 3B, 6, Comm CORE TURFGRASS MANAGEMENT TRACK (PM) 3 3A, 3B, 6, Comm CORE 1/9/2025 TURFGRASS MANAGEMENT TRACK 4 3A, 3B, 6, Comm CORE |
The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation would like to thank everyone, including the attendees, presenters, vendors and sponsors, that helped make the 2024 Michigan Turfgrass Conference such a great success. The Conference had over 500 attendees this year making it one of our highest attended to date. The Conference will be back at the Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort again in 2025, save the dates January 7-9, 2025!
Annual Meeting
During this year’s Annual Meeting, the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation welcomed new board members, Chris Wilczynski and Brian Schweihofer. Dan Mausolf was appointed to the position of MTF President, with Curt Boak becoming President Emeritus. The Board also thanked outgoing board member Dan Lucas for his dedication and service to the organization.
Scholarship Awards
Dr. Trey Rogers, on his “favorite day of the year”, presented awards to Michigan State Turf students from the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation, Michigan State University, MiGCSA, MiSFMA and National Awards.
Vendor Show
42 vendors helped make this year’s vendor show one to remember. Thank you also, to the industry members who donated to the silent auction, which raised almost $7,000 for turfgrass research.
Dr. Vargas Retirement Reception
Over 200 colleagues attended the retirement celebration for Dr. Joe Vargas in recognition of his 50 years of service to MSU and the Turfgrass Industry. The night was highlighted by the stories and words of recognition from his friends, colleagues and industry leaders and Dr. Vargas’s final words being met with a lengthy and enthusiastic standing ovation.
Thank you to the 2024 Conference sponsors for their continued support of turfgrass research.
Michigan Golf Course Association - Vargas Reception Food/Drink
Spartan Distributors - Vargas Reception Food/Drink
Syngenta - Coffee, Sports Turf Track
US Golf Cars / Ladd's - Vargas Reception Food/Drink
Target Specialty Products - Vargas Reception Food/Drink
Advanced Turf Solutions - Lunch, Coffee
C.W. Golf Architecture - Vargas Reception Food/Drink
DeBuck's Sod Farm, Inc. - Speakers Dinner
Rhino Seed - Vargas Reception Food/Drink
Harrell's, LLC - Coffee, Lawn Care Speaker Track
Helena - Coffee Cup
MiGCSA - Golf Track Speaker
MTESP - Coffee
Stine Turf & Snow, Inc. MSU Student Scholarship Banner
LADD - Lanyard
2023 RecapThe MTF was pleased to present its 92nd Annual Turfgrass Conference at the Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan for the second consecutive year. Returning to the site proved to be the appropriate selection as attendance exceeded over 500 Turfgrass professionals and industry partners. In addition, seminars, classes, events, and gatherings surpassed all expectations making it the most successful event in recent history.
Day One The Conference started with a half day of Golf, Lawns and Grounds and Equipment Technicians education sessions. In addition to the MSU Turf Team, day one featured speakers from the University of Nebraska, Purdue University, Oakland University as well as several other industry leaders. Michigan Turfgrass Foundation Annual Meeting MTF Executive Director Carey Mitchelson, President Curt Boak and Treasurer Brad Lazroff highlighted the MTF’s year in review including the recent election, a 2022 event update and the financial status of the organization. Founders Society Reception The day concluded with the Founders Society Reception, where the MTF presented its annual MSU Turf Program research fund to George Smith, the Director of AgBioResearch at MSU, in the amount of $90,000. Dr. Kelly Millenbah, Dean of Agriculture and Natural Resources at MSU, then delivered an update on the Joe Vargas Chair in Turfgrass Pathology. Past MTF President, Doug Johanningsmeier, introduced and presented the MTF Meritorious Award to Mr. Jim Bogart. Day Two A full day of education, Wednesday included Golf, Lawns and Grounds, Sports Fields, Assistant Superintendents, Equipment Technicians sessions as well as an Overview for Registered Apprenticeship - Golf Course Maintenance Technician sessions. In addition to the education presentations, many panel discussions and round table idea sessions highlighted the day. Student Awards Vendor Halftime Show This year’s halftime show was held for the first time in the Soaring Eagle Casino’s Entertainment Hall. The large venue was both well received and attended. Attendees were provided with a perfect networking opportunity following the full day of education. Those at the conference had a chance to visit with some of the finest companies and the opportunity to bid on silent auction items benefitting the Graduate Assistantship program at MSU. Student Support Day Three The Conference concluded with a half day of educational sessions of both Golf and Sports Fields, Lawns and Grounds. The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation would like to thank the attendees, presenters and volunteers who all helped to make the 92nd annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference such a great success. Thank You! 2023 Conference Sponsors:MTESP - Coffee The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation exists to promote safe, healthy turf surfaces for all Michigan residents. The goal of our annual conference is to present the latest findings in turfgrass management, fertility, soils, diseases, weeds, pesticides and other timely topics pertaining to the industry. 2023 Michigan Turfgrass Conference Hotel Room Block Code: MTGF011023 *Free Parking is available *Lunch provided on Wednesday *Vendor Halftime Show (Appetizers Provided-Cash Bar) on Wednesday 4pm -6:30 Vendor Halftime Show Information
2023 Education track scheduleTuesday, Jan. 10Golf 12pm MSU Turf Team and Michigan Turfgrass Foundation Conference Welcome and Update - Dr. Kevin Frank and Carey Mitchelson 12:30pm Do's and don’ts of organic matter sampling on sand based rootzones - Dr. Roch Gaussoin, Univ. of Nebraska 1pm How to grow your network and mental health - Trent Manning, Reel Turf Techs Podcast 2pm Trends in golf course PGR use - Aaron Hathaway, NuFarm 3pm Understanding annual bluegrass weevil - Dr. Doug Richmond, Purdue University 4pm MTF Annual Meeting Lawn and Grounds 12pm FIFA World Cup 2026 Research Update - Ryan Bearrs, MSU 1pm White grub management: new products and approaches - Dr. Doug Richmond, Purdue University 2pm Pushing back preemergence applications for better late season control - Dr. Roch Gaussoin, Univ. of Nebraska 3pm Managing rising expectations with limited resources - Todd Rajala, Oakland University 4pm MTF Annual Meeting Equipment Managers 12:00-12:30 MiGCSA EM membership updates - Ben Beard 12:30-1:00 Shop Transformations - Mitch Hunt Traverse City Country Club 1:00-2:00 How to grow your network and mental health - Trent Manning Reel Turftechs Podcast (golf session) 2:00 - 4:00 Basic wiring and Electrical diagnostic w/ hands on demonstration - Ben Beard American Dunes Golf Club 4pm MTF Annual Meeting Wednesday, Jan. 11Golf 8am Reflections on 35 years of turfgrass research - Dr. Roch Gaussoin, Univ. of Nebraska 9am Soilborne diseases: pathogens punching putting greens below the belt - Dr. Lee Miller, Purdue University 10am Managing surface firmness on putting greens - Dan Dinelli, North Shore Country Club 11am Pathology Research Update - Dr. Joe Vargas, MSU 1130am Turf Physiology Research Update - Dr. Emily Holm, MSU 12pm Lunch 1pm Research update - Dr. Trey Rogers, MSU 1:30pm GCSAA Updates - Steve Hammon, Traverse City Golf and CC; Shane Conroy, GCSAA 2pm Creeping bentgrass growth in sand-based rootzones with or without biochar - Dan Dinelli, North Shore Country Club 3pm Spray equipment: avoiding common mistakes and how technologies help - Ken Rost, Frost Inc. Spray Technology Products 4pm Trade show Lawn and Grounds 8am Fall armyworm: is this the future of turf insect management? - Dr. Doug Richmond, Purdue University 9am Novel Kentucky bluegrass genetics cuts mowing requirements in half - Christian Baldwin, Scotts 10am Organic weed management: is it possible? - Dr. Roch Gaussoin, Univ. of Nebraska 11am Sometimes the blame lies beneath the surface - Dr. Lee Miller, Purdue University 12pm Lunch 1pm Controlling troublesome patches that don't clown around - Dr. Lee Miller, Purdue University 2pm Pesticides: perception vs reality - Dr. Joe Vargas, MSU 3pm Weed management update - Dr. Thom Nikolai, MSU 4pm Trade show Sports Fields 8am Essential tools and products for maintaining baseball and softball diamonds - Brian Hall, Sylvania Recreation District 9am Seed selection for sports fields - Ben Boehme, Landmark Turf and Native Seed 10am It's natures time: organic fertilizers for sports fields - Kirk Hardin, Healthy Grow 11am Topdressing - what should I use - Dr. Trey Rogers, MSU 11:30am Growing degree days (GDDs) and how they benefit a turf manager - Jake Kilby, MSU 11:45am Sod on Plastic Research Update: Developing the temporary indoor playing surface for FIFA World Cup 2026 - Jackie Guevara, MSU 12pm Lunch 1pm Properly amending your infield - Ron Martin, Marco Clay 2pm Proper maintenance of artificial turf fields for longevity - James Hlavity, Pioneer Athletics 3pm Panel Discussion 4pm Trade show Assistant Superintendents 8am Career Preparation - Shane Conroy, GCSAA 9am Project planning and planning as a new superintendent - Andrew Christensen and Alex Lincoln 10am Finance, budgeting, and planning - Ross Miller, CC of Detroit 11am Interview tips and taking the next step - Panel Discussion - Tim Matty, Drew Boike, and Mike Montney 12pm Lunch Equipment Managers 8:00 - 9:00 Maximizing Efficiency: Getting the most out of you day - Mitch Hunt TCCC 9:00 - 10:00 TBD 10:00 - 12:00 Tips and Tricks - Trent Manning Reel Turftechs podcast 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch 1:00 - 2:30 Round Table discussion and open forum - Ben Beard American Dunes Golf Club 2:30 - 3:00 TBD 3:00 - 4:00 Spray Equipment: avoiding common mistakes and how technology helps - Ken Rost Frost Inc. (Golf Session) Thursday, Jan. 12Golf 8am Winterkill Roundtable: Dr. Kevin Frank will serve as moderator for this session that will present research from the WinterTurf research project and engage superintendnets to share ideas on what they've been doing to try and prevent winterkill throughout the year. 9am BMP for turfgrass to minimize pesticide inputs and conserve water. Topics covered will include snow mold control, broadleaf and annual grassy weed control, Poa annua seed head suppression techniques, and irrigation management to conserve water and reduce pests. – Speakers include Phil Dwyer, Mike Rabe, and the host Dr. Thom Nikolai. 12pm Adjourn Sport Fields, Lawns and Grounds 8am Athletic field disease review: pythium, patches, and plant health - Dr. Paul Giordano, Harrells
9am Try something new: infield transition from calcined to expanded shale - Keith Winter, Fort Wayne Tincaps 10am Painting tips and tricks and GPS sprayers - James Hlavaty, Pioneer Athletics 11am Armyworm and sod webworm ID and management - Aaron Hathaway, NuFarm 12pm Adjourn |
2023 Speaker Spotlight |
Dan Dinelli Dan Dinelli is a third-generation golf course superintendent at the North Shore Country Club (NSCC) in the Chicago area and thirty-year member of the GCSAA. Dan has achieved success as a certified golf course superintendent meeting the rigorous performance standards, including agronomic, business, leadership, environmental, and communication standards, for his certification. Dan has significant continuing education in IPM, turfgrass agronomic practices, turfgrass research, pesticide use, and environmental management that go beyond his degrees at William Rainey Harper College and MSU. He has integrated this knowledge into his golf course operations at NSCC and has become a recognized professional and resource within the golf course management industry. Presentations: Creeping bentgrass growth in sand-based root zones with or without biochar Managing surface firmness on putting greens | Ken Rost Ken Rost is the founder of Frost Inc which specializes in spray technology products for agriculture and turf care. He has over 25 years of experience in the spray technology field and has been fitting spray equipment with GPS guided application systems for the last 10 years. Prior to Frost Inc, Ken was the OEM and International Sales manager for Pentair/Hypro specializing in agriculture and turf care markets. Ken earned his undergraduate and Master’s degrees in Agricultural Science at University of Minnesota. He currently resides on his farm in Shafer MN. Ken’s experience working hands-on with precision farming technologies and the people who use it, brings a realistic approach to the execution of spray applications. Presentations: Spray Equipment – Avoiding Common Mistakes and How Technologies Help! | Dr. Christian Baldwin Christian Baldwin is the Business Development Manager for the biotechnology program at the Scotts MiracleGro Company. Prior to leading business efforts, he was the technical lead for the biotech program. While serving as the technical lead, Dr. Baldwin’s research focused on quantifying benefits of novel traits, such as reduced mowing, shade tolerance, and grassy weed control, as well as developing best cultural management practices for turfgrass practitioners. Dr. Baldwin received a BS (business), MS (turfgrass science), and a PhD (turfgrass science), all from Clemson University. He also received an MBA from Southern Wesleyan University. Presentations: Novel Kentucky bluegrass genetics cuts mowing requirements in half (+ grassy weed control) |
2022 Michigan Turfgrass Conference Recap
2022 Michigan Turfgrass Conference
January 4th - 6th, Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort
There was a new venue this year as the Michigan Turfgrass Conference, hosted by the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation, was held at the Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort Conference Center. Over 350 registrants gathered in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan for an educational and networking event dedicated to the turfgrass industry.
Day One
Day one started with a half day session of presentations. Classes were structured in three different sessions; Golf Sessions, Lawns, Athletic Fields and Grounds Sessions and an Equipment Technicians Session.
Halftime Show Day two wrapped up with the halftime show, where vendors from across the industry shared their products and knowledge with the conference attendees. This year's show was well attended and provided a terrific opportunity to network with fellow industry colleagues. The show also included the Dr. Paul Rieke Graduate Assistantship Silent Auction, benefiting graduate assistantship for ongoing graduate student positions at MSU. |
Day 3 The final day wrapped up with a half day of Golf Sessions and Lawns and Grounds presentations. The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation would like to thank everyone for attending the Conference and your continued support of turfgrass research at Michigan State University. We hope you enjoyed the event, the new location and the chance to be back in person again. The Planning committee is already gearing up for next years event and we look forward to your feedback and suggestions for the future. Thank you for attending the 2022 Michigan Turfgrass Conference! |
Thank you to our 2022 Michigan Turfgrass Sponsors! |
Michigan Turfgrass Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 27156, Lansing, MI 48909