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MSU begins search for Joe Vargas Professorship in Turfgrass Pathology position

21 Aug 2024 9:20 AM | MTF (Administrator)

At this year’s MSU/MTF Field Day (August 14, 2024) MSU Interim Chairperson of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences Department, Dr. Wei Zhang, was pleased to inform attendees that the Joe Vargas Professorship in Turfgrass Pathology has been approved by MSU and the search for a candidate would commence. 

Dr. Zhang thanked the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation for their leadership gift of $1 million that provided the impetus for this position and the foresight the Foundation had in making the decision to continue its support of the MSU Turf Program. In his remarks Zhang notified those in attendance that current MSU Turf Team professor, Dr. Kevin Frank will be the chairperson of the search committee. Other members of the committee include Dr. Emily Merewitz-Holm, Dr. Jan Byrne, Dr. Tim Miles, and Dr. George Sundin. MSU officially approved the candidate search on August 5th, 2024. The review and selection process will take several months with an anticipated start date by the fall of 2025.

Previous PSM Chairperson, Dr. Brian Horgan, was actively involved and committed to having this position for the MSU Turf Program. He expressed that the Turf Industry and the MTF will be able to provide input and have an active role during the search process.

The MTF is pleased to have been in the position to promote this important partnership with MSU. The MTF’s support of the MSU Turf Program at MSU is part of its mission statement. It is because of the support of its members, The Founders Society, the LaFontaine Endowment - and those who have participated in so many of our activities that we have been able to make the $1 million gift to the Vargas Professorship. The Foundation thanks all those who have been supportive of our efforts to ensure this important position is filled.

Michigan Turfgrass Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 27156, Lansing, MI 48909

The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation exists to promote safe, healthy turf surfaces for all Michigan residents.

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