E D U C A T I O N | R E S E A R C H | E X T E N S I O N |
2024 MSU Turfgrass Field DayAugust 14th, 2024 The MTF would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the staff at the Hancock Center, the MSU Turf Team, and everyone who helped orchestrate another fantastic Turfgrass Field Day at MSU. The day was extraordinary, featuring insightful morning research tours, a delicious lunch provided by Gravity Smokehouse & BBQ, and engaging afternoon tours. We were also fortunate to have perfect weather, making the event even more enjoyable. Thank you to everyone who attended! |
There are two tours for attendees to choose from in the morning; golf turf and lawn/athletic fields tour. Each tour will be 2 hrs. in length. There are three afternoon workshops for the attendees to choose from (these are separate pay events so some attendees will just attend the morning research tours and some will attend both the morning tour and afternoon workshops).
Morning Research Tours
Golf Turf Research Tour (9 - 11 am):
o Disease management strategies for golf turf – Nancy Dykema will discuss the effects of different fungicides on cultural practices on dollar spot, crown rot anthracnose, and take all patch.
o Rolling as a critical component of IPM – Dr. Thom Nikolai will discuss different light weight rolling treatments and how they decrease dollar spot, reduce moss, and even suppress weed encroachment to save money and reduce pesticide use.
o An update on WinterTurf research projects – Dr. Kevin Frank will discuss nitrogen and potassium rate and timing effects on snow mold and how sensor packages are being used to monitor conditions in real time during the winter.
o FIFA World Cup 2026 research – Dr. Trey Rogers will discuss research projects for installing shallow depth field systems in stadiums for the upcoming World Cup.
o Hydroponic putting green system – Mike Rabe will present the results that compare subsurface irrigation of variable depth putting greens to conventional USGA variable depth putting greens. Differences in disease and localized drop spot incidence between the treatments will be discussed.
Lawn and Athletic Fields Turf Research Tour (9 – 11 am):
o Preemergence crabgrass application timing and herbicide application method - Dr. Thom Nikolai and Eric Galbraith will discuss using growing degree days to schedule preemergence herbicide applications and present results from a study that compares applying post-emergence herbicides applied via hose end sprayer or spray boom.
o Plant diagnostics: A GOOD picture is worth 1,000 words – Dr. Erin Hill will discuss key weed identification tips using examples from the weed garden and teach participants the keys to taking good photos for submission to the diagnostic lab. Without proper identification, pesticide recommendations cannot be given accurately.
o Hybrid carpet-mat systems and their role in the FIFA World Cup 2026 – Ryan Bearss will discuss the different carpet-mat systems that will be used to establish sod and how weed pressure is affected by the different systems.
o Options for playing surface stabilization for reducing weed pressure – Evan Rogers will discuss how different soil stabilization systems interact with turfgrass sod production to limit weed infestation.
o Pest pressure from various sand depths over the shallow-profile system – Jake Kilby will discuss how changing the sand depth during turfgrass sod establishment affects weed and disease pressure.
o Optimizing fertility source, rate and frequency for the shallow profile system – Jackie Guevara will discuss the effect of different fertilizer treatments on establishment, management, and crabgrass incidence.
Lunch 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Afternoon Program
Disease Diagnostic Walk (12:00 - 2:00 pm)
Nancy Dykema will lead the disease diagnostic walk. On the disease diagnostic walk participants will learn how to identify the common turfgrass diseases. Management options for common diseases including dollar spot, brown patch,crown-r otting anthracnose, red thread, pythium blight and root-rot will be presented.
Weed Diagnostic Walk (12:00 – 2:00 pm)
Dr. Thom Nikolai and Eric Galbraith will lead the weed diagnostic walk. Identification tips will be provided for common weeds including crabgrass, clover, dandelion, and annual bluegrass. Management programs both with and without pesticides will be discussed.
MSU Athletic Fields Tour (12:00 – 2:00 pm)
The MSU athletic field tour is returning to field day and will visit Spartan Stadium and the baseball, softball, and soccer facility. Andy Flynn the head athletic field manager will lead the tour of the facilities. Discussion will include different establishment techniques used, herbicide recommendations for establishment during summer, disease management programs, and fertilizer programs to hasten establishment, along with management techniques used throughout the various sport seasons.
2023 MSU TURFGRASS FIELD DAY RECAPTurfgrass Field Day, August 9th, 2023 Golf Tour Stops 9:00 - 11 :00 AM 1. Disease Management - Dr. Joe Vargas, Jr. and Nancy Dykema 2. Winterkill Reestablishment -Payton Perkinson and Dr. Kevin Frank 3. Poa Management Options and Robotic Mowers - Dr. Thom Nikolai 4. Capillary Hydroponic Putting Greens - Mike Rabe and Dr. Thom Nikolai 5. Drought and Winter Stress Research Update - Dr. Emily Holm 6. Sod on Plastic Production - Dr. Trey Rogers and Evan Rogers Lawn/Athletics Tour Stops 9:00 - 11 :00 AM 7. Don't Guess, Test! Diagnostic Support for Management Decisions - Dr. Erin Hill 8. Sod on Plastic Production - Dr. Trey Rogers and Evan Rogers 9. Per rye and K blue establishment on plastic - Jackie Guevara and Dr. Trey Rogers 10. Developing a Natural Turf, Shallow Profile System - Ryan Bearss and Dr. Trey Rogers 11. PGRs and Sod on Plastic in No-Light Conditions - Jake Kilby and Dr. Trey Rogers 12. Turfgrass Disease Update - Dr. Joe Vargas and Nancy Dykema Afternoon Tours 1- 3 pm 1. MSU Athletic Fields Tour: Bus departs at 11 :45 am from Hancock Turf Research Center (HTRC) and will take attendees to Spartan Stadium. After touring Spartan Stadium, soccer, baseball, and softball fields, bus will pick up attendees near Jennison Fieldhouse and return to HTRC. 2. The History of Pesticides and MDARD RLJles and Regulations Update: Bus departs HTRC at 11 :45 am. Presentation will be in 1200 Molecular Plant Sciences Bldg (attached to Plant and Soil Sciences Bldg.). Bus will return attendees to HTRC upon conclusion. 3. Disease Diagnostic Walk: Walk will depart from HTRC building at 12 pm and tour the plots at HTRC. |
Turfgrass Field Day, August 9th 20232023 Schedule: 7:30 AM Registration Opens 8:45 AM Opening Comments Morning Research Tours Golf Turf Research Tour (9 - 11 am): Disease management strategies for golf turf – Dr. Joe Vargas, Jr. and his research team will discuss the effects of different fungicides on turfgrass rooting and fungicide efficacy on crown rot anthracnose. Dollar spot management – Nancy Dykema will discuss several different dollar spot trials including biocontrol treatment options, the effect of creeping bentgrass cultivars, and dollar spot timing using the Smith-Kerns prediction model. Plant growth regulators and robotic mowers for fairway maintenance – Dr. Thom Nikolai will discuss different PGR programs for fairways and attendees will be able to see first-hand how robotic mowers maintain a golf course fairway. Winterkill reestablishment – Payton Perkinson and Dr. Kevin Frank will discuss putting green reestablishment practices in the spring. The effect of creeping bentgrass cultivar and Two-Putt annual bluegrass seeded on three dates on two different rootzones will be presented. Update on summer and winter stress research on various turfgrass species – Dr. Emily Holm and her research team will discuss their progress on abiotic stress research projects ranging from summer drought stress to winterkill. The rainout shelter field will be highlighted. Hydroponic putting green system – Mike Rabe will discuss the 1st research season of the hydroponic putting green that compares subsurface irrigation of variable depth putting greens to conventional USGA variable depth putting greens. Lawn and Athletic Fields Turf Research Tour (9 – 11 am): Identification and management of lawn grass diseases - Dr. Joe Vargas, Jr. and Nancy Dykema will discuss common lawn diseases such as red thread, dollar spot, rust, and brown patch. Fungicide recommendations and the effect of cultural practices such as irrigation and cultivation will be discussed. Weed identification in the MSU weed garden – Dr. Erin Hill will lead a tour of the MSU weed garden which contains over 20 different common turf weeds. Identification tips and common herbicide or cultural control recommendations will be discussed. The components and development of a natural turf, shallow profile system – Ryan Bearss Tools for quantitative performance assessment of turfgrass systems – Evan Rogers Plant growth regulator efficacy on sod grown on plastic, maintained under prolonged no-light conditions – Jake Kilby Perennial ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrass establishment on plastic – Jackie Guevara Lunch 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Afternoon Program Disease Diagnostic Walk (12:00 - 2:00 pm) Nancy Dykema will lead participants on the disease diagnostic walk. Participants will learn how to identify the common turfgrass diseases and management options for common diseases including: dollar spot, brown patch, crown-rotting anthracnose, red thread, and pythium blight and root-rot. The diagnostic walk will include discussion of best management practices both with and without fungicides to ensure high turfgrass quality and most importantly customer satisfaction. MSU Athletic Fields Tour (12:00 – 2:00 pm) The MSU athletic field tour is returning to field day and will visit Spartan Stadium and the baseball, softball, and soccer facility. Andy Flynn the head athletic field manager will lead the tour of the facilities. Discussion will include different establishment techniques used, herbicide recommendations for establishment during summer, and fertilizer programs to hasten establishment, along with management techniques used throughout the various sport seasons. Transportation to/from Spartan Stadium will be provided. The History of Pesticides and MDARD Rules and Regulations Update (12:00 – 2:00 pm) Dr. Thomas A Nikolai will discuss the history of pesticides, toxicity, BMP’s and sustainable practices intertwined with MDARD rules and regulations. This presentation will be given in the Plant and Soil Science Building, transportation will be provided from to and from the HTRC. 2022 MSU Turfgrass Field Day RECAP
Golf Tour 1. Turfgrass Disease Update – Dr. Joe Vargas, Jr. and Nancy Dykema 2. Soil testing & Winterkill reestablishment – Dr. Kevin Frank and Payton Perkinson 3. Turfgrass Physiology & Winterkill Update – Dr. Emily Holm, Kailey Miller, Megan Gendjar, & Michael Itam 4. Plant Growth Regulator Research – Dr. Thom Nikolai 5. Hydroponics and Variable Depth Putting Greens – Mike Rabe and Dr. Thom Nikolai 6. USGA golf ball reaction research update – Evan Rogers and Dr. Trey Rogers Lawn/ Athletics Tour 7. Perennial ryegrass control in mixed stands of cool-season grasses – Ryan Bearss & Dr. Trey Rogers 8. Crabgrass control – Dr. Thom Nikolai 9. Sod on plastic: establishment and maintenance – Jake Kilby and Dr. Trey Rogers 10. Hydroponics and Variable Depth Putting Greens – Mike Rabe and Dr. Thom Nikolai 11. Turfgrass Disease Update – Dr. Joe Vargas and Nancy Dykema 12. Sod on plastic: establishment practices – Jackie Guevara and Dr. Trey Rogers Athletic Fields Tour Spartan Football Stadium, Baseball Stadium, Softball Stadium, Soccer Stadium and practice field |
Congratulations to Peter Cookingham, Head of the Turfgrass Information Center, on his upcoming retirement. Read More | Thank you to Jesse Sholl and the staff at the Hancock Turfgrass Research Center for all they did to make this one of the most successful Field Days to date. |
The 2021 Turfgrass Field Day was presented with the support the following sponsors: Lanyard sponsor: MeritHall Inc., Rep. Travis Goeski ![]() |
Golf 1. Disease Management for Golf Courses Nancy Dykema and Dr. J. M. Vargas, Jr. Anthracnose Dollar Spot Management Summer Stress in Turfgrass | Lawn and Athletic Fields 7. Turfgrass Weed Research |
Golf 2. The Effects of Soil Test Philosophy Recommendations on Creeping Bentgrass and Annual Bluegrass | Lawn & Athletic Fields 8. Disease Management in Lawns and Athletic Fields |
Golf 3. Abiotic Stress Physiology of Putting Green Species | Lawn & Athletic Fields 9. The Long-Term Effect of Irrigation and Fertilizer Programs on Different Turfgrass Species |
Golf 4. Racecourse Athletic Field Systems, and Golf Ball Reaction and Soil Strength Studies | Lawn & Athletic Fields 10, Golf 5. Outbreaks of Japanese Beetle Decline in Southern Michigan Due to Biological Control While Populations Increase in Northern Michigan |
Golf 6. Turfgrass Weed Research | Highlights from the Afternoon Workshops: |
Michigan Turfgrass Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 27156, Lansing, MI 48909