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  • 10 Jul 2018 1:14 PM | Anonymous

    Fairway Rolling 
    Dr. Thomas Nikolai
    Michigan State University

    We are 1/3rd into July, hardly the dog days of summer, and dry hot weather is resulting in stressed turfgrass which too often leads to human stress.  At this point I would like to remind you that rolling, in place of mowing, helps retain turfgrass health and soil moisture.

    All the way back in 1996, with the aid of MTF funding, MSU discovered that maintaining a frequent rolling program on putting greens decreased localized dry spot (LDS).  This summer, on plots measuring 20' x 195', on a Smithco Ultra 15 fairway rolling study current results indicate rolled plots average 6 times less LDS.  I will keep you posted as the season progresses and invite you to attend Field Day at the Hancock Turfgrass Research Center and check out the plots for yourself.

  • 31 May 2018 10:10 AM | Anonymous

    Thanks for your continued support of the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation. The mission of the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation is to support the research, teaching, and extension programs at Michigan State University. The LaFontaine golf outing is scheduled for June 21 at Coyote Preserve Golf Course near Fenton. Please register to support turf research and help Gordie celebrate his induction into the Michigan Golf Hall of Fame.


    Got Seedheads?

    We have been evaluating different products and different application timings for seedhead suppression for about 20 years at the Michigan State University Hancock Turfgrass Research Center. Embark is no longer being produced, so those who haven’t stockpiled it over the years can no longer use what has always been considered to be the most effective product for seedhead suppression.

    Over the years, we have developed growing degree-day (GDD) models to better time applications of Embark, and Proxy plus Primo Maxx. After years of research and talking with other researchers and golf course superintendents, many applications still fail to effectively suppress seedhead production in annual bluegrass greens and fairways. Efforts to suppress seedheads in East Lansing, Michigan, failed in 2018 and many golf course superintendents also appeared to have struggled with seedhead control. 

    We applied different combinations of plant growth regulators in 2018 using the Proxy/Primo GDD timer within the application window of 200 and 500 GDDs base 32 F, available at GDD Tracker. This year in East Lansing, the application window was from March 30 to May 1, 2018. First applications were made April 25 and although there was some seedhead suppression, we consider it a failure as more than 10 percent of the surface area was covered with seedheads. We waited for the end of the application window because we had yet to mow until a few days before April 25 because it was so cold.

    Many in Michigan experienced the same process by waiting for growth before making the first application. In 2017, the application window using the same GDD model ended April 10.

    So, what went wrong this year? What good is a window of application if it can still fail?

    It’s important to remember that seedhead production in annual bluegrass can be affected by many factors. We use a GDD model to time our applications that only accounts for the accumulation of heat units. There may be other climatic factors that affect the timing of peak seedhead flush that we aren’t measuring. Furthermore, annual bluegrass is so biologically diverse that seedhead production can vary greatly.

    It’s difficult to know exactly why many seedhead suppression efforts failed this year. However, here are a few thoughts.

    There is evidence to suggest that a PGR application must be timed before a seedhead emerges from the plant. The model is designed to signal application timing before emergence. Seedheads may emerge and not be easily viewed without some hands-on investigation of plants, so investigate. Look closely for emergence in south-facing slopes or other areas that may heat up faster than others. You could use these observations to help fine-tune your application even within the window given by GDD models. In the end, apply early rather than late. Once seedhead emergence begins, it is too late.

    If you are applying Proxy plus Primo, start your applications in late fall. Proxy plus Primo fall applications followed by GDD-timed Proxy plus Primo applications in spring have proven to consistently provide better seedhead suppression than spring only applications. We have made our fall-timed applications in the end of October to the beginning of November and had good results. If you are spending the time and money in spring to control seedheads, add a fall-timed application for a little insurance.

    Whether your seedhead suppression failed or not in 2018, keep trying. As a researcher, we observe the “failed” treatments next to the untreated plots, although the objective is 100 percent seedhead control, any amount of control makes a big difference when compared to the untreated plots.

    Dr. Frank’s work is funded in part by MSU’s AgBioResearch.

    This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. For more information, visit http://www.msue.msu.edu. To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit http://www.msue.msu.edu/newsletters. To contact an expert in your area, visit http://expert.msue.msu.edu, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464).

    The mission of the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation is to support the research, teaching, and extension programs at Michigan State University. Join Us to become a member.

  • 12 May 2018 7:56 AM | Anonymous

    MTF President’s message- 5-11-2018

    I want to take the opportunity every few months to let you know what the MTF is working on and doing for the Turfgrass Community in Michigan. We have a very active and dedicated board with several thoughtful concepts and many undertakings.  Numerous have already been accomplished and others are in the process of being implemented.

    Here are a few bullet points of our activity.

    • Tee Times 4 Turf will end Sunday May 13 at 8:00pm   It is the MTF’s  largest Fund Raising effort during the year.  We appreciate all those that donated their course and we are pleased to acknowledge that the number of courses willing to donate were significantly higher than last year!  Auction proceeds go directly to support the research at MSU by our Turf Team. All Board members participated in soliciting clubs to support this event. Thank you to those who support this event!
    • The Research Committee has been very active this spring with the turf team. The following is a link to the current research going on at MSU.

    **A little known fact about researching funding- all the funding for turfgrass research projects at MSU is raised thru grants, donations, sponsorships. The department does not provide support funding for professors research projects. 

    • The Gordon LaFontaine Golf Outing:   Registration will soon be underway.  The date:  June 21st at The Coyote Preserve Golf Club.  Hope you may be able to attend / or be a sponsor.
    • Founders Committee:   Recently approved funding for some technology upgrades at the Hancock Turf Research Center. Thank you for your support!
    • Membership committee: has been hard at work over the past 6 months to correct information and get a mailing out for membership renewal. Thank you to those who once again have renewed your membership. 

    Finally, the MTF would like to congratulate Jesse Scholl on his new position at the Hancock Turf Research Center as the Farm Manager.  Jesse replaces Mark Collins who retired this year after decades of caring for the HTRC.   We are very happy for Jesse and his new position.  We would also like to thank Mark for all his years of caring for the Facility.  The MTF looks forward to supporting Jesse for many years to come.

    The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation goal is to provide our members with research information and we encourage those with comments and suggestions to please contact us.

    Have a great summer!

    Amy J. Fouty, CSFM President 2018


  • 23 Jan 2018 9:42 AM | Anonymous

    Student Scholarship Winners

    Congratulations to all student scholarship winners from the 2018 Michigan Turfgrass Conference.

    MTF Scholarship Award Winners
    Left to Right
    Kenyon T. Payne Outstanding Student Award - Reid Rahoi
    MTF Scholarship Chairman - Dan Lucas
    Memorial Service Award - Tom Robbins
    Two Year Sports and Commercial Turf Award - Adam Vecitis
    Norman Kramer Outstanding Student Award - Elana Cadenas Rivas (Not Pictured)

    What's Happening at the MSU Turfgrass Programs!

    Please take a moment to view what is going on at the MSU Turfgrass Program.  Thanks to Dr. Trey Rogers for providing us with this material.

  • 18 Jan 2018 9:57 AM | Anonymous

    Turfgrass Talk Show
    February 10, San Antonio Convention Center

    Free Beer, Edutainment and Munchies.

    Attention MTF & MiGCSA members attending the 2018 GIS in San Antonio.  MSU’s Dr. Nikolai offers the perfect meeting place for distant friends to kick-off their stay in San Antonio.

    The Turfgrass Talk Show takes place from 3:00-5:00 pm February 5 in the San Antonio Convention Center Stars at Night Ballroom. 

    Doors open at 2:45 pm and the first 500 attendees receive two beer tickets for a reception that immediately follows the event.

    The Talk Show and Reception is sponsored by Tru-Turf, a proud supporter of MSU Turfgrass Research, that is celebrating its 30th anniversary.  

    New From the MIGCSA

    Registration is now open for the brand new Match Play Championship. New for 2018, two person handicapped best ball match play championship. $25 per person, 100% of entry awarded back as prize money. Meet new members at a neutral site on your own pace. Starts April 1 2018, ends at the 2018 State Championship on Wednesday, August 29th at Hawk Hollow in Bath. Limited space in each bracket, first come first serve.

    Click here for more information.

  • 02 Oct 2017 1:09 PM | Kevin Frank (Administrator)

    It seems that August and September switched places this year as September delivered record setting heat and generally a lack of precipitation. High temperature records were shattered across many areas of Michigan from September 21-26 when in the Lansing area and throughout of most of the lower peninsula of Michigan high temperatures exceeded 90 degrees. Combined with the high temperatures, many areas of the lower peninsula are still under or near drought conditions. Although forecasts indicate temperatures should be moderating, the National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center is forecasting above average temperatures over the next three months. The combination of warm, dry weather has created some interesting challenges for fall turf management.

    Broadleaf Weed Control

    Fall is one of the best times to treat difficult to control broadleaf weeds such as ground ivy, wild violet, dandelion, and white clover. Weeds that have endured droughty conditions may be weak and burning down the above-ground foliage with a contact herbicide in addition to a translocating herbicide will help in control this fall. Some contact, ”burn down”, active ingredients (a.i.) include carfentrazone, sulfentrazone, pyraflufen. Traditional translocating a.i. (2,4-D, MCPP, dicamba, triclopyr, clopyralid, fluroxypyr, quinclorac, etc.) move into a targeted weed quickly after application, and then move with sugars to an active site where it kills the weed. If the weed isn’t growing due to drought or high temperatures then the herbicide cannot effectively move to the active site in the weed. Although a contact or “burn down” a.i. doesn’t move to an active site, it does disrupt the membrane of the plant, which only requires that it be applied to the surface of the plant. The recommendation for herbicide applications during this dry fall is to attempt to hedge your bets by applying a herbicide that mixes systemic (translocating) active ingredients with a contact (burndown) a.i. (e.g. products include SpeedZone, 4-Speed XT, RedZone, Surge, SureZone, etc.). The translocating a.i. have at least a chance to move to the active site, while the contact will provide some extra burndown, which is not dependent on the growth of the weeds in unirrigated sites.

    Disease Management

    On golf courses there have been many cases of Waitea patch occurring from late summer through early fall. Waitea patch is caused by Rhizoctonia zeae and any of the good brown patch fungicides will help to manage it. However, chlorothalonil is not very effective in controlling Waitea patch. Again this year as summer wound down and fall arrived, resistance raised its ugly head again. Similar to last year the Vargas lab has been receiving calls about fungicides providing only 7 days control of dollar spot. This is called quantitative resistance, which shows up as a shorting of the interval of control compared to the qualitative resistance where the fungicide no longer works at all at any interval. Fungicide resistance is becoming more prevalent in Michigan and golf course superintendents need to be aware of resistance and adjust fungicide application schedules accordingly. Unfortunately, resistance results in shorter intervals between fungicide applications, an increase in number of applications, and increased cost from additional fungicide applications.  

    Rust has become very prevalent this fall, especially in un-irrigated areas. Rust diseases are characterized by yellow to dark brown urediospore infestations that, from a distance, make turf stands appear orange or yellow. As a general rule in almost all cases, rust is considered a cosmetic turfgrass disease that, although it may discolor the turf, will not result in widespread turfgrass death. Fungicides are not usually recommended for control, precipitation and a fertilizer application to stimulate growth will help the turf recover from rust infestations.

    Fertilizer Applications

    Similar to the issue with weed control in un-irrigated turf, fertilizer applications may require special considerations. I’d proceed with any scheduled October fertilizer applications in irrigated, growing turf as planned. However, for drought stressed dormant turf, unless the fertilizer is primarily slow release I would wait until rainfall returns and growth resumes before making an application. Fast release sources such as urea that are applied to dry, dormant turf could result in high gaseous volatility losses. Stabilized urea fertilizers contain a urease inhibitor to suppress volatilization and would be beneficial. However, even if you plan on using these products I’d probably wait until some precipitation returns to stimulate turf growth before making an application.  

    Insect Management

    In the last three years Japanese beetle has spread further into the thumb area, up to Houghton Lake and Pinconning on the eastern side of the state, and up to Traverse City on the western side.  All of these areas are seeing new turf damage from Japanese beetle grubs as the skunks and raccoons dig turf to find them.  This includes golf course, home lawns and sod farms. During fall, Sevin or Dylox can be used to control Japanese beetle and European chafer grubs in turf. Sevin should only be used if the soil pH is less than 7.8. New research on the pathogen we introduced to control Japanese beetle indicates that infestations of Japanese beetle in Kalamazoo, Battle Creek and much of the greater Detroit area have declined by 75% as the pathogen built-up from 2001 to 2016.   We are now distributing infected beetles to the rest of the state. 

    European crane fly populations have built-up to damage levels in much of the greater Detroit and Grand Rapids areas, with a big emergence of crane flies reported by many in late September, 2017. After leatherjackets are found October treatments can be made to prevent most of the crane fly damage expected in late October and next April and May. October treatment options include insecticides with the following a.i.: bifenthrin, carbaryl, chlorantraniliprole, imidacloprid, and trichlorfon. 

  • 15 Jun 2017 11:35 AM | Kevin Frank (Administrator)

    Ant mounding activity is reaching peak levels right now in Michigan.  Typically, ant mounding increases in May and June, then slowly declines in July and August, so that if the ants are undisturbed the number of mounds present in September may be one half one third of what was present in June.   Nearly 100% of the ant mounds on golf courses in Michigan are made by one species: the Turfgrass Ant (Lasius neoniger).   This ant is pretty small: workers are only 3 mm long, and mounds are usually 1 – 2” wide.   Still, they can be so abundant that the mounds interfere with putting or stifle the turf under them.   For these reasons the turfgrass ant is usually suppressed on tees, greens and fairways.   In golf course roughs and home lawns it is considered beneficial because the ants are good predators that help keep turf pests under control. 

    You have probably noticed that most of the ant mounds are along the edges of fairways, tees and greens, with much less or no ant mounding in the center.    This is because the surrounding turf supports many colonies of turfgrass ants that will establish satellite colonies on the fairways, tees and greens.   Insecticide applied to suppress ant mounding should also be sprayed 10 – 20’ into the surrounding rough to slow the spread back onto the short-mowed turf areas.

    In research funded by the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation we have evaluated insecticides used on golf courses in Michigan to suppress ant mounding.  Superintendents can expect 6 months of ant suppression following a single application of Aloft, Arena or Meridian at the highest labeled rate when applied in May or early June.  In ¼-fairway plots (replicated 6 times) we were able to reduce ant mounding by 90% compared with only a 50% reduction in our standard-sized plots (10’ x 20’).   Efficacy was reduced in the smaller plots because the ants spread back into the plots from surrounding areas.   Merit and other imidacloprid products may also work well for suppressing ants, but the results tend to be less consistent.  This means that if golf course superintendents treat 20’ beyond the edges of tees, greens and fairways, it will reduce re-colonization and dramatically improve ant control, especially along the edges of fairways, tees and greens.  These insecticides are also used for grub control (Japanese beetle and European chafer).   If applied in late May or early June they should control grubs and provide ant suppression.   However, late May is too early to apply an insecticide for European crane fly, so a second application may be needed in mid-September for crane flies on some golf courses in the Detroit and Grand Rapids areas.   Spot-treating tees and greens with a surface spray of a pyrethroid insecticide (Talstar, Scimitar, DeltaGard, Astro, Tempo, and others) will provide a week or two of suppression before the mounds begin to appear again.  

    Dr. David Smitley

    Michigan State University

  • 09 Jun 2017 9:40 AM | Kevin Frank (Administrator)

    It’s already been a crazy weather year with unusually warm temperatures in February followed by more seasonable temperatures in March and excessive rainfall in April and May. June has started nicely but the forecast in the next week is going to leave not only us but the turf feeling oppressed with high temperatures forecast in the high 80’s and low 90’s combined with high humidity. Here are some simple reminders as the heat ramps up this weekend.

    1. Check the Irrigation System

    For the most part irrigation systems have been resting this year as Mother Nature has blessed us with cool temperatures and adequate rainfall. Everyone has certainly used their irrigation system by this point in the year but it might not be a bad idea to go out and actually observe the system operating in critical areas. Any inefficiencies, misaligned, or malfunctioning heads may have been disguised by rainfall to this point but that will not be the case in the next week.

    Areas that reveal poor irrigation coverage first are typically edges of fairways, banks of greens, tees, and bunkers, and the rough.  Many of these areas are also high traffic areas that are subject to another stress, compaction.

    2. Syringing

    In an effort to compensate for poor irrigation coverage and improve water management, hand watering is commonplace on golf courses. In Michigan, we are accustomed to syringing greens during periods of drought but usually not fairways. Dr. Vargas has reminded me that in Mediterranean climates like southern Europe where it does not rain from the middle of May until the middle of September and the temperatures are in the 90’s every day, the superintendent will usually have 3 or more people assigned every day to syringe fairways. When we have similar conditions it may become necessary to syringe fairways, we’re not necessarily talking about the hose crew but rather a short irrigation cycle. It is commonly perceived that noon is the warmest part of the day, when in reality it is often later in the day around 4 to 6 p.m. Syringing late in the afternoon might make the difference this year between healthy, heat stressed turf.

    3. Heat Tracking

    Heat tracks will be an issue on home lawns and golf courses.  Anytime you put traffic from a cart, mower, or spreader on turf that is nearing the wilting point or has already wilted, you will likely see a track in the following days or week. If possible, avoid mowing during the heat of the afternoon.

    4. Wetting Agents

    Wetting agents are critical tools in the arsenal for alleviating localized dry spot but even with wetting agents hand watering may be necessary if it stays hot and dry.

    5. Scout and Plan for Diseases

    High temperatures will be accompanied by high humidity and warm night-time temperatures. Conditions may become favorable for dollar spot, brown patch and even Pythium blight. Most superintendents treat for dollar spot and brown patch on a regular basis.  Pythium blight is not normally treated for on a regular basis in Michigan but when day time high temperatures are in the 90’s and night temperatures above 70°F following a rain, chances are optimal for a Pythium blight outbreak. If caught in time, the turf should recover from the dollar spot, brown patch and Pythium blight, which are primarily foliar diseases.

    Crown rot anthracnose (CRA) can also be a problem in the warm weather on annual bluegrass greens especially if the warm weather is accompanied by excess moisture from frequent rains. Wide spread resistant of Colletotrichum cereale, the CRA fungus, to the benzimidazole and the Qo I fungicides has been reported. Alternative fungicide chemistries should used to control CRA. Adequate nitrogen fertility is also necessary the control this disease.

    Summer patch is becoming an ever-increasing problem.  The early 65 and 75-degree models for scheduling fungicide applications that worked so well for so many years have not worked that well recently in our research trials.  We are now suggesting fungicide applications the first of June, July, and August.  The products of choice should be the DMI fungicides and they should be watered into the top inch of the turf where the elongated crown of the turfgrass plant is. If you can keep the crown of the plant healthy the plant will survive no matter how many roots become infected.

    6. Hydrate

    Just a reminder to keep your self hydrated during the hot weather. There are bound to be some long days and if you’re acclimated to temps in the 60’s and 70’s, temps in the 90’s may cause us to wilt as much as the turf. 

  • 09 May 2017 1:28 PM | Anonymous

    Thanks for your continued support of the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation. The mission of the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation is to support the research, teaching, and extension programs at Michigan State University. If you are not a member and are interested in joining the MTF please Join Us. Another avenue to support the MTF and MSU Turf Team is to participate in bidding or spreading the word of our current TeeTimes4Turf auction, currently over 117 golf courses are available via an on-line auction at www.teetimes4turf.com. The auction ends on Sunday, May 14 at 7 p.m.

    Broadleaf Weeds Flowering

    In the last week, dandelions have been lighting up the landscape with their brilliant yellow flowers. In most areas, the first flush of dandelion flowers has come and gone and now the puff ball stage is in full effect. According to Michigan State University Extension, applying a herbicide at the puff-ball stage can be very effective as this is the time the dandelion is at its weakest because it has just spent all that energy pushing out flowers. Applications prior to puff-ball stage can be effective at burning down the rosette and preventing puff-balls but keep in mind if you really want to get ‘em, schedule a fall application. 

    In addition to dandelions, many other broadleaf weeds are flowering in turf right now. Common chickweed, henbit, shepherd’s purse, yellow rocket, corn speedwell, wild violet and ground ivy are all flowering. All but wild violet and ground ivy are winter annuals. The life cycle of a winter annual is they germinate in the fall, overwinter, and then flower and produce seed in the spring. After flowering in the spring, winter annuals are usually only two to three weeks from dying. If you apply herbicides now, they will be dead and gone in two to three weeks and if you do nothing, they will be dead and gone in two to three weeks. Get it?

    Similar to the strategy of controlling dandelions, there are some very tough to control weeds that are also flowering right now.  Ground ivy (AKA Creeping Charlie), wild violet, and several speedwells (Germander and Creeping) are actively flowering.  The flowering period is the best opportunity to kill them until fall arrives.  The typical broadleaf combination herbicide containing 2,4-D provides fair control at flowering but if you can find combination herbicides with the active ingredients quinclorac, triclopyr, fluroxypyr, or carfentrazone you should achieve better than fair control.   

    Dr. Frank’s work is funded in part by MSU’s AgBioResearch.

    This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. For more information, visit http://www.msue.msu.edu. To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit http://www.msue.msu.edu/newsletters. To contact an expert in your area, visit http://expert.msue.msu.edu, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464).

    The mission of the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation is to support the research, teaching, and extension programs at Michigan State University. Join Us to become a member.

  • 12 Apr 2017 11:01 AM | Anonymous

    In the last week, heavy rains blanketed most of Michigan, resulting in streams and rivers overflowing their banks and flooding in many low-lying areas. The water has slowly started to subside and turf that was flooded may be exhibiting damage symptoms. Factors that determine turf survival under water include turfgrass species, submergence duration, submergence depth, water temperature and light intensity.

    Turfgrass species differ in their ability to survive flooding. Unfortunately, there are no hard fast numbers such as Kentucky bluegrass will survive five days and creeping bentgrass 15 days under water. Instead, species have been assigned relative submersion tolerance ratings: creeping bentgrass–excellent; Kentucky bluegrass–medium; Poa annua and perennial ryegrass–fair.

    As submergence depth increases, the potential for injury increases. If the leaf tissue is above the water line–even just a little bit–the turf will probably survive. On golf courses, many have observed creeping bentgrass floating on the edge and even growing out into a lake. This is a perfect example of turf surviving when partially submerged.

    The final two factors affecting turf survival are water temperature and light intensity. Both of these factors are working in our favor right now as the air and water temperatures have been cool. Flooding during the summer months when temperatures are higher often result in damage to the turf when it’s submerged for even a short time.

    As the water recedes, the turf may be yellow or brown. The discoloration is related to the turf losing its ability to take up nutrients. It doesn’t take long once turf is submerged for soil oxygen levels to decline and root hairs to begin to die. As the root system becomes impaired, nutrient extraction and water uptake will be limited. Keep this in mind once the water has receded as the turf may benefit from a light fertilizer application.

    Yellowing of turf following flooding

    To assess if submersion has caused injury, Michigan State University Extension advises extracting several plants from the flooded site and cutting a horizontal cross section through the crown. If the crown is white and firm, it has survived. If the crown is brown and mushy, it’s dead, so time to develop a reestablishment plan.

    Finally, for those areas that were flooded due to a stream or river overflowing a bank, you are probably dealing with silt or soil deposition. Removal of soil deposition can be difficult and seeding into the deposited soil can be an option. Once you’ve successfully reestablished soil, cultivation such as core aeration or slicing will benefit the turf by breaking through deposited soil layers to facilitate rooting and water infiltration.

    If you have concerns on the effects of flooding on trees, Dr. Bert Cregg from the Dept. of Horticulture has written an article addressing this issue http://msue.anr.msu.edu/news/trees_and_flooding

    Dr. Frank’s work is funded in part by MSU’s AgBioResearch.

    This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. For more information, visit http://www.msue.msu.edu. To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit http://www.msue.msu.edu/newsletters. To contact an expert in your area, visit http://expert.msue.msu.edu, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464).

Michigan Turfgrass Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 27156, Lansing, MI 48909

The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation exists to promote safe, healthy turf surfaces for all Michigan residents.

Call or E mail Us

Office: +1 517 392 5003

E Mail miturfgrass@gmail.com


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